Saturday, March 14, 2009

25 Floor...

My favorite song...

Here is the translation:

Hello to you, my Rome #3,

My lonely piligrim,

Came back to the city of his chilhood,

In search of fire.

On the crossing of all times,

Winged by the july wind.

With this summer's new rain, meet me,

Meet me...

The one who passed the 7 seas,

That one will have enough power,

To fly with the wind like an unwritten letter.

The sun is pouring lemon juice,

And all of this sugar sand is melting,

And this warm evening is so clear, weightless...

My love lives on the 25 floor...

Your soul calls me, and I am already learning to fly.

My love lives on the 25 floor...

And my soul is already flying to yours.

Bridges and canals are awake,

And midnight flowers will fill each word with magical scents.

Somewhere in the golden lights of the passing car,

The boulevard is flying by,

And barely, barely touching the sleepy clouds...

You believe birds and poems,

And stars drip down your cheeks,

And the fire reflects in the puddles...

The whole city smells like gasoline,

And, like the mint snow on your lips,

These days and the fairytale of love will melt.

My love lives on the 25 floor...

You soul calls me, and I am already learning to fly.

My love lives on the 25 floor...

And my soul is flying to yours.

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