Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happiness Formula

Even though I believe love, happiness, and friendship cannot be defined, British scientisits partially proved me wrong, at least with happines. So here it is: The Happiness Formula!


"R" stands for personal characterisitic- your reaction to the surrounding reality: how you see the world, how you react to stress, how you adapt to changing situations.
"E" is the person themself, their physical and mental appearance, their relationship and interactions with other people.
"H" is the person's personality traits, like sense of humor, kindness, or cruelty.

As you see a person reaches happiness when there is some sort of balance in different sides of their personality.

If there is something "extra", like if you are too mean, or cannot communicate with your family- you have a lower chance of being happy. So learn this formula by heart, and move on to better life!!!

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