Sunday, January 11, 2009

Live your life!

Seriously people.
I mean it, just stop it.
Why do you live like this?
Where is the meaning?

I mean, yes you can.
You can waste your time.
Learning and studying...
But honestly, why?

You do have to study,
You do have to learn,
But that isn't everything,
Do not forget!

The meaning of life is just to...
Enjoy every second and minute of it.

Because, quite frankly,
Before you know,
It will end,
And I will pity you.

Because when you live,
You have to try everything.
Reach new heights,
And find new depths,

So when it is time for you to go,
You will have something to remember life by.


Anonymous said...

That was amazing and so deep. Dasha, you are a truly powerful writer.

Varvara said...

I don't share your opinion...
I wrote this 4 years ago :)
Thank you so, so much though!