Monday, June 23, 2008


In still summer evenings,

Past the setting of the sun,

When the night is soon approaching and the work of day is done,

There's a tiny lightshow,

Shining in the dark,

Over'cross the fields,

Beneath the oak trees in the park...

Firefly, Firefly,

Dancing firefly.

Firefly, a golden gleam of magic in the dark,


The fireflies are dancing,

All a-glow with magic light,

On and off they twinkle,

Like the stars in the night,

When you come across this most enchanting sight,

Luminous they shine,

Like elfin lanterns glowing bright...

Firefly, Firefly,

Dancing Firefly.

Firefly, a golden gleam of magic in the dark,



Adventurous Alli said...

ok. we sung this song in alaska's honor chior 2006and i was wondering who wrote it cuz i want to get the mellody so i can sing it again. Email me at!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Anonymous said...

its called Firefly by Audrey Snyder! I finally found a Vimeo video that had her name.