Friday, June 27, 2008

School is Over

Yes, people, no more school for another 2 months. 2 months of
total freedom. 2 months of doing whatever you feel like doing, of going to places, of FUN! So do not walk around mourning you'll never see you're friends again-once school starts you'll be mourning about summer being over. So live! Dance! Jump! Play! Savour the freedom and ask your parents to go places, to visit friends and family, becuse freedom like this won't come for another year! So rise and shine people, and get out of bed with optimism. Yes, Ramya the pessimist it saying to get out of bed with optimism. Optimism is the golden word to be happy. So occasionally you can chat with your friends, occasionally you can have some playdates, but summer is the time for diving into the pool, going in an airplane to a totally different and new place, and being free, not being shut up in a room learning boring math, science, and social studies. Just take out the best of school-recess! Don't sit on your computer all day long, or play video games, or watch TV! Go out side and have some FUN!

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