Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just a couple of nice things I heard

"Be happy, live peacefully, work hard, and enjoy good moments at their fullest."
- Anuta Z.

"Life is too short to waste it"
- Varvara

"As long as you are happy and found the one, you're never too young to fall in love"
- I heard this from a lot of people

"How wonderful is that flash of moment when you realize you discovered a friend"
- Just a saying...

"Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length"
-Robert Frost

"Happiness is being happy with how happy you are"

Monday, January 19, 2009

Free Rice

Help end world hunger

Hello everyone!
See that pretty green button?
Click it! It is a tested, virus-free website that helps feed hungry people.
All you have to do is answer questions on subjects of your choice, and the more correct answers you get, the more rice the organization donates to hungry people. 1 correct answer- 20 grains of rice. That is small, but all together, we can make a difference. Go ahead, press the button!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Live your life!

Seriously people.
I mean it, just stop it.
Why do you live like this?
Where is the meaning?

I mean, yes you can.
You can waste your time.
Learning and studying...
But honestly, why?

You do have to study,
You do have to learn,
But that isn't everything,
Do not forget!

The meaning of life is just to...
Enjoy every second and minute of it.

Because, quite frankly,
Before you know,
It will end,
And I will pity you.

Because when you live,
You have to try everything.
Reach new heights,
And find new depths,

So when it is time for you to go,
You will have something to remember life by.


Another piece by Jake

A bird starts its life in a nest, slowly coming into the world, step by step. With help from its parents, brothers, and sisters, it starts to become more and more of a full grown bird every day. It soon takes its first few flaps of its wings, and catches a glimpse of freedom. As it grows, it enjoys that freedom more and more, and, when it is ready, embraces it. With a little push from its parents, it flies of into the world, to find its dreams and live its life- when the time is right. Every bird does it, but life is not about going or staying, but living your life, how you want to, and pursuing your dreams, to live life to its full potential.


A poem by Jake


Hints of the past

Shadows of another's

Smaller windows into a larger purpose

A little of a lot


This is a very creative article by my friend Jake.

A pencil is a perfect example of balance. Having one side to create, and one to destroy, it shows how important balance is. With the tip alone, you cannot correct mistakes, only cross them out and ignore them, but they are still there. With the eraser alone, you can't create new things, only destroy others. But with both, you can create, correct, destroy, and revise, and so balance is achieved.

Chalk song

I posted this song for several reasons.
First, its my favorite song.
Second, you will hear Russian rap, which is hilarious :) !
Third, these girls are talented- they got themselves on television by truly nothing, if you want to hear their story ask me.
Fourth, the music video is enjoyable.
Fifth, the tune is catchy.
Sixth, the lyrics are meaningful, this is to you all of those negative people like me.

Here is the translation:

I am writing on the sidewalk,
Using white chalk, the word "enough".
Enough lies, and enough pain,
Let yourself go free!
I am drawing with white chalk,
All that I wanted for such a long time.
My chalk-lines work like a cardiogram,
Diagnosing our world's heart problems.

Purple chalk dust-
You and me are covered with it.
Life- you are no shark, you don't even have teeth!
Tomorrow my chalk will disappear in puddles,
And hundreds of cars will leave rainbow tire tracks on it.

A grey rock, covered with chalk, that's for someone else.
The words "wait" and "everywhere" are the ones you should forget.
If you want, you can wait until you happiness arrives...I
n about 20 years.
But I don't need the word "if",
I cannot stay in one place!


Fingers covered with blue, with white.
White chalk is just like frost.
Blue chalk is just like the sky,
Oh, I wish I had red chalk!
Our world, its disabled!
A colorful person can't live in a black world!
I stole some chalk in 5th grade,I wish I could color my whole life...

Nice song?