Saturday, December 13, 2008

Funny and positive :)

This video makes me happy- it is a really low quality russian music video from the early 80's... Enjoy!!!:)

Friday, November 7, 2008


The golden leaves of autumn have all tumbled to the ground.
And winter winds are blowing in,
To toss them all around.

There's a feeling in the air today,
that fall is done for sure.
There's a kind of light that fills the sky,
I know I've seen it before...

Winterlight, winterlight,
Its a glittering, golden, glowing winter's night.
Winter bright...

Winterlight, winterlight,
Its a shivering, silver, shining, silent, night...
Quiet and magical...

There's a rush, a whoosh of wandering wind,
As snow flies through the air.
There are patterns in the snowflakes,
and they settle on your hair.

Have you ever seen a time of year
More gentle yet more bold?
More full of warmth and blessings,
When you come in from the cold?

Winterlight, winterlight.
Its a glittering, golden, glowing winter's night.
Winter bright..

Winterlight, winterlight.
Its a shivering, silver, shining, silent night...
Quiet and magical...

And although my winter dreams
Are filled with summer greens,
My summer dreams are filled with winter white!


Quiet and magical,


Thursday, August 28, 2008

The life of a sea turtle

One of my lifelong dreams is to be a sea turtle. You use your beak to crack the thick shell of the egg open. You see your brothers and sisters hatching around you. You get out of the cracked shell, and crawl to the water. You close your eyes as the water slowly swallows you. You open your eyes, see the beautiful coral, and blue(or green) water of the sea. You swim lower, as the sea draws you deeper. You aren't afraid of anything, not even the dark depths of the sea. Suddenly, you feel something behind you... You turn your eyes backward... And, to your huge surprise, it is a shark. You quickly swim under the nearest rock. The shark swims away... You swim upward, and see a forest of sea grass. You, being quite hungry, feed on it. Now you swim forward, on to the mystries of the sea... What does its depth hold for you?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I run out the door,
Feeling the cold autumn air.
I feel rain on my face.
Raindrops here and there.

Trees are shedding their brown leaves,
That once were so green.
Leaves are falling,
Rain in between.

Summer was here yesterday-
But now it isn't here.
Geese are flying south-
Their loud voices in my ear.

Autumn came so suddenly,
So fast I couldn't see.
But isn't autumn wonderful?
With that you should agree

Monday, August 25, 2008

You will hate me, but be yourself.

Yes, about the title... So, I recently got myself into a new group of people. And before that, I was in a group of heavily evil people... So when I came into the new group of people, I started making an image. I started being not myself... When I finally got friends, I realized they were kind people who will take you the way you are, but it was too late, so I am living not myself... I am lucky that I am not able to feel guilt. So, even though this is so corny and old, be yourself, even if you hate it... It will help.

Friday, June 27, 2008

School is Over

Yes, people, no more school for another 2 months. 2 months of
total freedom. 2 months of doing whatever you feel like doing, of going to places, of FUN! So do not walk around mourning you'll never see you're friends again-once school starts you'll be mourning about summer being over. So live! Dance! Jump! Play! Savour the freedom and ask your parents to go places, to visit friends and family, becuse freedom like this won't come for another year! So rise and shine people, and get out of bed with optimism. Yes, Ramya the pessimist it saying to get out of bed with optimism. Optimism is the golden word to be happy. So occasionally you can chat with your friends, occasionally you can have some playdates, but summer is the time for diving into the pool, going in an airplane to a totally different and new place, and being free, not being shut up in a room learning boring math, science, and social studies. Just take out the best of school-recess! Don't sit on your computer all day long, or play video games, or watch TV! Go out side and have some FUN!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Drugs don't work, they just make it worse. Please watch the video, and don't do drugs. Also, do not mind the last picture, it is a dumb joke.

No place like home

There is no place like home.

Oh the beautiful architecture of Saint-Petresburg's castles.

Oh the multiple stray cats.

Oh the always cursing alcoholics.

Oh the fields covered with flowers.
Oh Russia, my home...

No place like home.

Monday, June 23, 2008


In still summer evenings,

Past the setting of the sun,

When the night is soon approaching and the work of day is done,

There's a tiny lightshow,

Shining in the dark,

Over'cross the fields,

Beneath the oak trees in the park...

Firefly, Firefly,

Dancing firefly.

Firefly, a golden gleam of magic in the dark,


The fireflies are dancing,

All a-glow with magic light,

On and off they twinkle,

Like the stars in the night,

When you come across this most enchanting sight,

Luminous they shine,

Like elfin lanterns glowing bright...

Firefly, Firefly,

Dancing Firefly.

Firefly, a golden gleam of magic in the dark,


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Drawing Hearts in Sand....

Well... Drawing hearts in sand... I have reached the peak of my randomness... But isn't it nice, watching the slow water wash away the beautiful heart someone just drew?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Meaning of Life...

A year ago, those 4 words ruined my life. I am so very sorry if you go through the same process. I started thinking- what is the point? Why do we live? I was desperate to find a solution. Even through I suffered through the process of discovering the meaning of life, it made me very mature and independent. And now, after a year of thinking, here is the meaning of life: The meaning of life it to find the best in people. To breathe air and grow under sunshine. To wear old sneakers with party dresses. Now my last statement was strange, but it was a metaphor. What I meant by that, is that in life, you have no time to waste. Life is short, so do all the ridiculous things you want. Just try. I promise you'll be happy.

Nothing Like Freedom

I Fly Like a Graceful Seagull.
Feeling Free.
Feeling the Wind.
Oh the Smells of the Sea.
Oh the Clean Air.
Oh the Endless Water.
The Sky is Getting Darker.
I Feel the first Drops of Rain.
They Come Down on me.....
Oh the Freedom of the Sea...