Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Russian Girl

The smell of gasoline is in the air...
Suddenly, she feels raindrops.
A a group of pigeons immediately leaves the ground,
As soon as she passes.
She hears cars honking, dogs barking loudly.
There is a couple kissing under an umbrella,
Two men arguing loudly.

She leaves the tumultuous city center.

A small lake comes into her view.
Yellow lilies all over its' surface.
Ducks are making loud noises,
Trying to control their young.
She senses a strong essence of daisies..
.Falling on the soft, slighly wet grass,
She laughs loudly, happy as can be.

She walks into a white and teal building.

Walking up a small set of stairs,
She comes to an elevator.
Press the button, wait, hear the clinging-
The elevator is here.
She gets in, sensing an unpleasant aroma...
Was someone drinking here?
Press the number 9...
Up, up, up...

She gets out of the elevator.

Walking to the door number 75,
Trying not to look to her right-
The ninth floor platform is just too high...
Reaching into her purse, she gets her keys.
Turn the key right- the black door is open.
Turn another key left- the white door is.

She walks into her apartment.

Cats rub on her legs,
Happily greeting her.
She walks forward,
Opening the door in front of her.
Looking to her right,
She opens the balcony door.

She goes out.

Quickly making a paper airplane,
She comes closer to the railing.
Closer, closer- don't be afraid...
She looks down.
"My home" she thinks,
And throws her airplane,
Which flies so swiftly through the evening air...

How happy she is, just being a Russian girl.