Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It happens...

It is said that once upon a time, all the human emotions and qualities gathered at one spot. When BOREDOM yawned for the third time, INSANITY offered: "How about a game of hide-and-seek?!"

INTRIGUE got curious right away- "Hide-and seek? What is that?"

So INSANITY explained that it is a game, in which one of them, itself for example, has to close their eyes and count to a million, while everyone else hides; the one who will be found last, closes their eyes and counts in the next game, and so on.

ENTHUSIASM started dancing with EUPHORIA, and JOY was so happy that it convinced DOUBT, and only APATHY, who was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game.

TRUTH decided not to hide, because in the end it was always found anyway, PRIDE said that this was an idiotic game (it had no interest in nothing but itself), COWARDICE really didn't want to take any sort of risk.

One, two, three- INSANITY began counting.

LAZINESS hid first- it hid behind the closest rock, FAITH rose and hid in heaven, and ENVY hid in the shade of TRIUMPH, who all by itself climbed to the top of the tallest tree.

NOBLENESS couldn't find a good spot for a very long time, because every spot it found was perfect for its friends:

A crystal clear lake- for BEAUTY,

A cleft of a tree- its for FEAR,

A butterfly's wing- for VOLUPTUOUSNESS,

A light breath of wing- it so definetely for FREEDOM!

Finally, it hid in a sun ray.

EGOISM, oppositely, found a place only for itself.

LYING hid at the bottom of the ocean (actually, it hid in the rainbow), and PASSION and WILL stayed in the throat of a volcano. FORGETFULNESS... I don't even remember where it hid, but that isn't important.

When INSANITY counted up to 999999, LOVE was still looking for a place to hide, but everything was occupied. Suddenly, it saw a magnificent pink plant, and decided to hide in it's flowers.

"Million", counted INSANITY, and started searching. Obviously, LAZINESS was found first. Then it heard FAITH arguing with god, and PASSION and WILL were noticed by the shivering of the volcano. Afterwars, INSANITY found ENVY, and guessed where TRIUMPH hid.

EGOISM didn't even need to be found, because the place it was hiding in turned out to be a bees' nest, and the bees decided to shoo off the unwanted guest.

In the searching process, INSANITY wanted to get a drink of water, went to the lake, and saw BEAUTY. DOUBT was sitting by the fence, deciding what side it should hide on.

So, everyone was found:

TALENT- in fresh and green grass;

SORROW- in a dark cave;

LYING- in the rainbow (actually, it hid at the bottom of the ocean).

Only LOVE was nowhere to be seen.

INSANITY looked behind every tree, in every single stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally, it decided to look in the beautiful pink plant, and when it was searching through the branches, it heard a scream.

The thorns of the rose plant hurt LOVE's eyes.

INSANITY didn't know what to do, it started apologizing, it cried, pleaded, begged for forgiveness, and to pay off its fault, promised LOVE to be its guide.

And since the time they first played hide-and-seek, LOVE is blind, and INSANITY is its guide...

It happens...