Thursday, August 28, 2008

The life of a sea turtle

One of my lifelong dreams is to be a sea turtle. You use your beak to crack the thick shell of the egg open. You see your brothers and sisters hatching around you. You get out of the cracked shell, and crawl to the water. You close your eyes as the water slowly swallows you. You open your eyes, see the beautiful coral, and blue(or green) water of the sea. You swim lower, as the sea draws you deeper. You aren't afraid of anything, not even the dark depths of the sea. Suddenly, you feel something behind you... You turn your eyes backward... And, to your huge surprise, it is a shark. You quickly swim under the nearest rock. The shark swims away... You swim upward, and see a forest of sea grass. You, being quite hungry, feed on it. Now you swim forward, on to the mystries of the sea... What does its depth hold for you?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I run out the door,
Feeling the cold autumn air.
I feel rain on my face.
Raindrops here and there.

Trees are shedding their brown leaves,
That once were so green.
Leaves are falling,
Rain in between.

Summer was here yesterday-
But now it isn't here.
Geese are flying south-
Their loud voices in my ear.

Autumn came so suddenly,
So fast I couldn't see.
But isn't autumn wonderful?
With that you should agree

Monday, August 25, 2008

You will hate me, but be yourself.

Yes, about the title... So, I recently got myself into a new group of people. And before that, I was in a group of heavily evil people... So when I came into the new group of people, I started making an image. I started being not myself... When I finally got friends, I realized they were kind people who will take you the way you are, but it was too late, so I am living not myself... I am lucky that I am not able to feel guilt. So, even though this is so corny and old, be yourself, even if you hate it... It will help.